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La Cucaracha, and I don't mean the dance.

After spending the day with good friends having an excellent lunch and the odd glass of wine, (I am not into normal) we spent what remained of the evening, yes it was a long lunch, trying to stay awake through a very boring film, watched Poldark and decided to flop into bed exhausted, knowing the arms or Morpheus would take us to pleasure unbounded. I read a little, husband nodded off and then sleep began to claim me. I turned to switch off the lamp and i noticed a shadow, what could it be, there in front of me sitting on the wall was a beast at least three inches long crawling above us on the ceiling, as you can imagine, all hell let loose and it became a night of the long knives and the spray can. I sprayed it, it dropped, we ran for shelter into the bathroom, holding the door shut in case it thrust its way in, and then horror of horrors its big brother crept out from behind the shower curtain onto the door frame holding us trapped in the bathroom, no escape. Part 2 later I am tired and hungry

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